One night, trying to download some musics, I entered in contact with you. I hesitated before saying “Hi”, this is common with me, because I am always worried about what I will say after this first word. But I was compelled to speak with you, I love your dream, I like your music collection so interesting that I would need to try! Suddenly I saw me lost in translation, Encontros e Desencontros, as in the film, I would want to know what happened, wanted to make a mount of questions. At the end I got communicate, and this was fantastic. It is fantastic when you communicate with somebody that lives so far way from you and to discover that although as many differences we are all human beings, we are all here trying communicate!
I dreamed of you, I participated of that gunfight that you dream, I was at your side, I understood everything who you said, I spoke clearly with you, one I defended the other, one I helped the other as in an old film that as much taste to attend. I have the times these silly dreams to save a heroine, exactly that nobody wants to be saved, but they are dreams and they are so simple, bregas and romantic, as I am.
Noite dessas, tentando baixar algumas músicas, eu entrei em contato com você. Eu hesitei antes de dizer “oi”, como é comum comigo, porque sempre me preocupo com o que vou dizer depois. Mas fui compelido a falar com você, achei seu sonho tão legal, achei sua coleção de músicas tão interessante que não poderia deixar de arriscar! De repente me vi perdido na tradução, lost in translation, como no filme, queria saber o que acontecia, queria fazer um monte de perguntas. No final consegui me comunicar, e isso foi fantástico. É fantástico se comunicar com alguém a milhares de milhas de você e descobrir que apesar de tantas diferenças somos todos seres humanos, estamos todos aqui tentando nos comunicar!!
Eu sonhei com você, participava daquele tiroteio que você contou, estava do seu lado, entendia tudo que você dizia, falava claramente com você, um defendia o outro, um ajudava o outro como num velho filme que tanto gosto de assistir. Tenho as vezes estes sonhos bobos de salvar uma heroína, mesmo que ninguém queira ser salvo, mas são sonhos e são tão simples, bregas e românticos, como eu sou.
Cowboy dreams – PREFAB SPROUT
Cowboy dreams
cowboy dreams
You give me cowboy dreams.
Love's a silver bullet that
blows your world apart
I wanna be remembered as an outlaw
as the boy who stole your heart
I wanna be the guy who wears
the white hat
then rides across the plain
I'm gonna be your enigmatic stranger
honey, you are looking at your Shane.
Cowboy dreams
cowboy dreams
you give me cowboy dreams.
If ever you're in trouble,
if ever you are down
I'm gonna be the hanging judge and sheriff
I'm gonna ride your troubles out of town
you're looking at a mountain,
you're looking at the law
you're looking at a six-gun legend
fastest on the draw.
Cowboy dreams
you give me cowboy dreams
I can make you happy,
it's easier than it seems
I'm gonna ambush at sundown
I'm gonna give you cowboy dreams.
Cowboy dreams
you give me cowboy dreams
Love's a silver bullet that blows
your world apart
I wanna have it written on my tombstone:
" Here lies the boy who stole your heart "